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Welcome to Vafabmiljö

VafabMiljö works with sustainable and environmentally sound handling of waste, and is owned by the municipalities in Västmanland County together with the municipalities Heby and Enköping. The population of the region is about 340 000, and there are more than 10 000 businesses that generate waste.

The task consists of dealing with all the waste in an environmentally correct manner. The primary aim is to reduce the total amounts of waste. The remaining waste should be regarded as a resource, and recycled to the extent that is technically and economically possible. Vafabmiljö also manages the transport waste from industries and businesses. The most important values in our work is sustainable environment, good service, good quality, high efficiency, great commitment and great competence.

We have 18 recycling centers around the region, of which six are located in Västerås. Here the inhabitants can leave bulky waste (such as scrap metal, garden waste, combustible, well, etc.) and their hazardous waste and electronic waste. We also operates five waste stations where several now are transfer stations. An active landfill is at Gryta in Västerås. By the unit Gas, we can produce biogas and biofertilizer.

We work with waste advice, information, collection, transportation, sorting, recycling, energy recovery, biological treatment, composting, anaerobic digestion and landfill.

We are also responsible for collection of household waste, sludge and sewage, billing, customer service and more.

Vafabmiljö are certified to ISO 14001 Environmental Certification and quality certification in accordance with ISO 9001.