Kundservice stänger kl. 12.00 på fredag 21 februari

Contact us

If you wish to contact us, you will find the address, telephone number and e-mail to us at Vafabmiljö here. You can ask us ask questions and give us comments. We will use the comments to improve our work.

If you have questions about subscriptions, residual waste or food waste and live in Enköping, Heby, Sala, Västerås, Skinnskatteberg, Hallstahammar, Surahammar, Norberg, Fagersta, Kungsör, Arboga or Köpings municipality, contact Vafabmiljö Customer support.

E-mail addresses of employees at Vafabmiljö are generally designed according to the principle firstname.surname@vafabmiljo.se. Replace all å and ä with a, replace ö with o.

Customer support

Contact us
Call us weekdays between 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00


Contact us
Helpline Biogas Plant

Postal address, visiting address and delivery address